- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Bianca's Blog

Recap: eXtreme365 & UG Summit in Orlando
In mid-October, we had the opportunity to be part of the eXtreme365 and the UG Summit in Orlando, FL. Both events exceeded all of our expectations. Thank you for giving us your precious time and attention! It was a great pleasure meeting you at our booth.

Step-by-Step: How to generate documents in Power Automate (Microsoft Flow)
This blog article outlines how DocumentsCorePack allows us to generate and process documents within Power Automate (Microsoft Flow).

How to import, export & transfer templates using the DocumentsCorePack Online Service Configuration
This blog article outlines how to import, export and transfer templates using the DCP online service configuration.

DocumentsCorePack Template Import Manager
This blog article outlines how to install and use the DCP Template Import Manager.

DocumentsCorePack Print Application Configuration for Dynamics 365
This blog article outlines how to configure the DocumentsCorePack Print Application for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Display rules for One-Click-Actions
This blog article outlines how to add display rules for One-Click-Actions. The purpose of display rules is that users only see One-Click-Actions that are relevant to them.

TelephoneIntegration Phone Test Tool
This blog article guides you through the test of the compatibility of your phone system with the TelephoneIntegration addon for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Recap: Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2019
The Microsoft Applications Summit event in Atlanta exceeded all our expectations. To begin with, we would like to thank you for giving us your precious time and attention! It was a great pleasure meeting you at our booth!

Fix for wait condition stuck issue
When using DocumentsCorePack with workflows it is sometimes necessary to wait for some reasons. This blog article describes how to avoid this issue.

What to do if no toolbar is visible in Office 2016
This blog article outlines what to do if no toolbar is visible in Microsoft Word.