- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Patrick Ofner
Patrick Ofner
Patrick Ofner's Blog

SmartBar for Dynamics 365 UCI - Navigation item not found error
SmartBar for Dynamics 365 UCI - Navigation item not found error Application User for Dynamics 365 (App Access)
This article describes how you can create an Application User for your Dynamics 365 organization. Further on it shows how you can use this user to connect via DocumentsCorePack Server and Client (App Access). This article is valid for Dynamics 365 Online only.

SmartBar Button area and Menu counting
This article describes the differences between SmartBar Button area and SmartBar Menu counting and how they can be configured.

TelephoneIntegration for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features
TelephoneIntegration for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features

SmartBar for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features
SmartBar for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features

PowerSearch for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features
This article outlines how you can activate extended features of PowerSearch. Steps described here can be necessary after installing PowerSearch from Microsoft AppSource or after a manual solution import.

ActivityTools for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features
This article outlines how you can activate extended features of ActivityTools. Steps described here can be necessary after installing ActivityTools from Microsoft AppSource or after an update to a newer version of AT.

Dynamics 365 JavaScript web request error
With the latest Dynamics 365 update there was a change in the web endpoint behavior. If our add-ons try to execute a fetch request, it will fail and you will get errors like: “error get user privileges: Invalid XML” or “500 (Internal Server Error)” or anything similar.

How to add CRM Menu Navigation Links manually

To successfully integrate our products with custom entity-forms, the navigation configuration has to be applied manually.

This article describes, how MS Dynamics CRM Menu Navigation Links can be added manually to DocumentsCorePack and ActivityTools.

Custom Parameters for ActivityTools

This article describes how to define custom parameters for embedded ActivityTools pages (For example to pre-filter activity types).