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Patrick Ofner
Patrick Ofner
Patrick Ofner's Blog

DocumentsCorePack FileExplorer in IFD environment

This article is about the DocumentsCorePack (DCP) FileExplorer in IFD environments for CRM 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016.

Basically, DocumentsCorePack's FileExplorer is not supported in CRM IFD environments. Nevertheless, it could be possibly working. If you want to try to configure it, follow this article.

How to add custom columns to ActivityTools grids

This articles explains how you can add custom columns to ActivityTools grids for CRM 2015/2016.

Via a CRM settings key additional columns can be added to the ActivityTools grid. For each activity type and column, a separate CRM field can be displayed. The custom columns will be inserted between the subject- and date/time-column and can have column headers. This is a global setting and takes effect for all CRM users.

Use DocumentsCorePack with CRM 2011 list components for SharePoint

This article is only relevant if you are using SharePoint folders or SharePoint sites integration of DocumentsCorePack. It does not concern DocumentsCorePack in combination with the CRM integrated SharePoint.

It describes how to use MS CRM 2011 list components to show and manage SharePoint documents of your DCP folder or site configuration.
It is available from DCP Server version 5.43 on and works with SharePoint 2010 and 2013.

Execute AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 and 2013 via JavaScript

This article explains how to execute the Create Document-step of AutoMerge manually in JavaScript. This allows to include this functionality in custom - applications (e.g. create documents via a CRM-button-click and save document to SharePoint )

This article covers both:

1) Calling the plugin

2) Handling the result

Attached, you can find the full library for download.

Filter linked entities: .docx templates

It is possible to filter the linked entities of a 1:N and a N:N relationship during the merge process based on their IDs.
This works in combination with DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge, but only with .docx-templates.

Perform a config change of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

The current version of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011 contains performance updates. These updates will take effect, once the following changes have been made to the config.

Save modes of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

If you hit the [OK]-button on the RecordCounter Server Config first, it will generate and save the fetches and then generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

In some cases it will be helpful to only save the fetches or only to import the solution.

This article describes how this can be achieved.

How to enable debugging for the RecordCounter

Please note 

This article only applies to the RecordCounter in Microssoft Dynamics CRM 2011. 


Configuration loading error of AutoMerge

This article outlines what you can do if the AutoMerge Configuration page doesn’t load.

If the AutoMerge solution won’t load, please follow the below instructions.

RecordCounter - Plugin Registration Error

If the error message Plugin registration error of PTM Plugins! appears after the installation of RecordCounter, it means that the plugin wasn’t updated successfully. To solve this problem, please follow the instructions of this article.